Human Rights Protection

One important role in exerting pressure on states is played by associations, non-governmental organisations, charities, and other civic initiative groups. This forms the subject matter of the section on activism and the role of NGOs. We shall also look at how they act to improve human rights and at some examples of successful action. Unlike the European or American Conventions, the African Charter covers social, economic and cultural rights as well as civil and political rights within the same treaty. The evolution of the idea of universal human rights drew from the foundations of notions of dignity and respect in civilisations around the world over centuries.

Guidance Note For Applying A Human Rights

Yet their failures have led not to denial, but to incremental improvements and humility. As in Brazil, local police often use torture because they believe that it is an effective way to maintain order or to solve crimes. If the national government decided to wipe out torture, it would need to create honest, well-paid investigatory units to monitor the police. The government would also need to fire its police forces and increase the salaries of the replacements. It would probably need to overhaul the judiciary as well, possibly the entire political system. Such a government might reasonably argue that it should use its limited resources in a way more likely to help people – building schools and medical clinics, for example.

Lgbtqi+ Rights

Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. Everyone has the right to freely manifest their religion, to change it and to practice it alone or with others. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.

Human Rights Protection

Many conflicts are sparked by a failure to protect human rights, and the trauma that results from severe human rights violations often leads to new human rights violations. As conflict intensifies, hatred accumulates and makes restoration of peace more difficult. In order to stop this cycle of violence, states must institute policies aimed at human rights protection. Many believe that the protection of human rights "is essential to the sustainable achievement of the three agreed global priorities of peace, development and democracy." Respect for human rights has therefore become an integral part of international law and foreign policy. The specific goal of expanding such rights is to "increase safeguards for the dignity of the person."

Article 19

Despite the horrifying genocide in Rwanda in 1994, and the civil war in Yugoslavia, the 1990s were the high-water mark for the idea of human rights. Human rights played an increasingly important role in the European Union and members insisted that countries hoping to join the EU to obtain economic benefits should be required to respect human rights as well. NGOs devoted to advancing human rights also grew during this period, and many countries that emerged from under the Soviet yoke adopted western constitutional systems. We should note that the universality of human rights does not in any way threaten the rich diversity of individuals or of different cultures. Diversity requires a world where everyone is equal, and equally deserving of respect.


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